Powerhead suggestions


Reefing newb
Im looking for a powerhead for mixing saltwater for my weekly water changes and for some flow around my fowlr. Right now I'm leaning towards a koralia nano or some series of maxi-jet. I've seen that you're able to place a tube on the maxi-jet and just pump water back to the tank.
I use the 295gph model maxi-jet to mix my saltwater and I attach a hose on the pump to get the water into my tank.
I use the 295gph model maxi-jet to mix my saltwater and I attach a hose on the pump to get the water into my tank.

Yeah I was thinking of the exact same thing. If I got the 106gph model would that be fine for water changes? My tank is a fowlr and I'm sure it would be decent for mixing 2 gallons (10% water change) each week and also using inside the tank.