Post pics of your tangs

Jill was a vlamingi. I had her for a little over a year. She outgrew my tank. She was over a foot and a half long. She had originally been "confiscated" from someone that had been keeping her in a 75 gallon tank, so even my 240/218 was a major upgrade for her, but I knew that she would outgrow it very soon.

I tried to do the best thing for her because I knew she had outgrown my tank, so I gave her away to the LFS to put in their shark display, which was a gazillion times larger than my tank. She was so distraught over me "abandoning" her that she jumped to her death in the middle of the night. RIP Jill :cry: I was so sad when I heard that she had died. Vlamingis are wonderful, beautiful fish. She would let me pet her, what fish do that? I'd stick my hand in the tank, and run my fingers down her side, and she'd just hover, unafraid. One of my all time favorites, but they are not for everyone.
My vlamingi "Ming Ming" love to be petted she won't even eat until after I have pet her side. They are great tang, deffinantley my favorite.
I love tangs.Beautiful shots everyone!Here is my chocolate tang...Starting to change


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YesI dont know what type but I have two they are great they change from a really electric blue to black depending how they feel
I tried photobucket, But I think I screwed up somewhere. Heres the old way


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