Parrot's 150 Long

hmmm, so at a slight impasse. My sump basically takes up the left half of the stand. On the right I have to figure out how to fit both the scrubber and the electrical. Those LED lights are taking up way too much space under the tank, esp with those pvc stands I made. If I can somehow mount them directly to the scrubber case it'd greatly improve the room. Hmmm.

I also need to think of a way to make an electrical "box" to hold the 3 DJ power strips but still give me access in the back. I'm going to velcro the proflux computer and the vortech modules to the stand itself.
Lights on!
Parrot that awesome!!! Isn't it great that we can have our own slice of the tropics even when it is snowing outside.

I don't know if you have figured out the lights for the scrubber yet or not, but what about making taking the legs of your PVC stand and cutting a slot down the center so the pipe fits over the edge of the acrylic at the top and then use 2 90s at the end to hang the lights from?
Intriguing idea, Burch! I'll troubleshoot that tomorrow and see how it works! I don't know if that would be too much pressure on the side of the acrylic, though - these lights weigh a surprising amount.

The device on the far wall is an automatic feeder. I'm going to use that to supplement feedings, since a lot of the fish I plan to get are "all-day" eaters and prefer small meals multiple times a day. I'll probably fill it with veggie flakes.
Here's the computer center, where I mounted my GHL P3 aquarium computer, a wireless bridge (so I can access the computer from my phone anywhere in the world), and my Ranco 2 stage temp control (hooked up to 2 800w heaters).


Alex, did you glue those rocks to your overflow? If so, I like it. It kind of gives the tank a unique look of depth.



Thanks guys! It's all filled! No leaks, so I'll be draining it tomorrow and slowly adding RODI water. (going to take forever!!)
I'm still fine tuning all the vortechs/etc so it's not 100% yet, but so far so good.

Brian, those rocks have magnets in them and are secured to the overflow that way.