Parasite In Tank


Reefing newb
1 Minute Ago
I have had my Oceanic Biocube for about a year now and have just recently added a few new corals to the tank. I noticed earlier today that there is what looks to be a parasite that is almost identical to a tic on my coral. I have never seen something like this before and was wondering what this is and if I need to get rid of it. Also I had an Elegant coral which just recently died could this of been related to this parasite that looks like a tic? You can see the tic on the branch of the coral all the way to the left on the top.


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I have no idea what that is, but I would take it out just to be on the safe side. Maybe leave it in a dish until you can get a definitive answer from one of the experts on here.
It was weird. I have a purple lobster that got a hold of it and ate it. But I still want to know what it was because there may be more and they just aren't visible. It looked like a sand tic.
I don't think it's a baby horshoe crab. The tail is very defined even in very young horseshoe crabs. Also the legs on the side seem to be visable horsesjoe crab legs are hidden by there shell. They used to nest in one of my favorite fishing spots in CT so I have seen many of these. It sure looks like a tick, I have no idea what it is sorry.