Ordered my 120 All-Glass aquarium

how about a collection of pygmy angels? or maybe a coral reef with some tangs, or a large sea horse tank, or, or, or, the possibilities is endless. good luck and have fun deciding what to go with.
new tank

Congratulations Chris,
I hope you document the setup and progress of your new tank with pictures, test readings, and comments. I think it would be encouraging for some of the beginners. I have an empty 30 gal hex tank a friend gave me. I'm considering setting it up for FOWLR. I think I'm addicted.
If you have a volitan lion fish in a 5 gal aquarium with a 100 gal sump you just might be a red neck.
hahahah, thats so true. Im still painting the office, 3 weeks later, that its going to be set up in. I bought a digital web cam that im going to play with. If I can get good enough live web cam pictures I am going to dedicate the tank to the forum and stock it with suggestions from the forum members. I think it will be fun to allow everyone to have some input and see what we come up with.