OhNo's 280 build

Water goes in tomorrow,,just got done tearing down the 125 and everything is in totes for the night...
Hope to move everyone in tomorrow night ..
The humu is going to the LFS ,,i will miss him ,but i want to be able to add other fish

couple more pics,,


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Man that's ashame Matt, you don't think he'd be more likely to let new fish in, in such a large tank?
Man that's ashame Matt, you don't think he'd be more likely to let new fish in, in such a large tank?
Yeah,it is...,,but i'd hate to put a mystery wrasse in there only to watch it get eaten:grumble:
Plus,i know i want another flame hawk( one was already victim to him,among others)
So ,its bye-bye Humu
Do you still have the clown trig?
Yeah,,and I know the risk is there with him too,,but i just don't see it happening with him(but who really knows for sure)...Got a straight up trade for a dogface or 30 dollars credit ...They also have a beautiful male blue throat so i told them i'll be back this weekend...Not going to move any fish in tonight ,,still cloudy and a bit cool(72)...,,they are just fine in the totes
Getting the blue throat tomorrow:D:sfish:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfJryD3RMhk]280 up and running - YouTube[/ame]