New tank inhabitants with pictures!

Halo is such a neat beastie! I love how eels have those little nose flares. No idea what they are used for, but they are awesome!
Halo is such a neat beastie! I love how eels have those little nose flares. No idea what they are used for, but they are awesome!

She is so lazy unless I turn off her light and break out the snacks then she wont stop moving long enough for me to get a half decent picture :p

I am currently trying to take more pictures of stuff I got today but clownfish are hard to photograph. Little guy is restless!
Oh, ya. I cant tell you how many billions of pictures I have taken of orange blurs.

I like how she is like "I see you there. I see you there with nothing for me to eat. Not acceptable."
If I try to shoot high speed the quality is crappy so I tend to try and see her coming from the corner of my eye but still 1/50 times its good.

And yes all my fish have attitude problems, especially the eel. You can literally see her getting pissed when the lid opens to test the water and no snackies drop down HA.
Well, at least your clowns dont go for blood and your blenny is too stupid to realize that your arm wont produce food when nibble on. Silly fishies, yet I lub them to death
Lmao, my clown does however crash into the glass like a spastic any time I turn off the light. You would think by now he would be with the program but nope! Light goes off and he headbutts anything around him. :sfish:
My clowns used to get so scared when the lights would go out that they would jump and thrash around. Once one of the even jumped out of the tank. Luckily my boyfriend was standing there when it happened and got him right back in the tank.
The only thing I've ever had jump away was a ghost shrimp and I never found the little guy =(
He probably did, they are so hard to see even in the tank. Thankfully I have only lost three fish ever, and only one in a long time, also my only saltwater fish to have pass. I lost an anglefish a long time ago due to unknown reasons, a red wag swordtail also to unknown reasons, and the lionfish two weeks ago which I have no idea what happened. Losing fish sucks, especially one you have for a while. =/
My clowns are blood thirsty too little fish! They seem to be getting worse lately. The bigger one instantly comes over to attack me and the little one is right behind her as backup. And they just keep on going at me. They are mean! I think they are getting sick of me messing around in there and then not getting food when I open the lid. My sixline will show off all day and the second my hand goes in he is gone in a crevice lol
My psuedochromis is the biggest scaredy cat, even if I approach the tank he hides in a hole! I just got a tomato clown today, but can't seem to get a decent picture yet.
My clowns are blood thirsty too little fish! They seem to be getting worse lately. The bigger one instantly comes over to attack me and the little one is right behind her as backup. And they just keep on going at me. They are mean! I think they are getting sick of me messing around in there and then not getting food when I open the lid. My sixline will show off all day and the second my hand goes in he is gone in a crevice lol

I have discovered that if a wear a shiny ring or bracelet in the tank they will attack the shiny thing and not my hand/arm. I hope that will provide you with some relief!
Come to think of it they do go after my bracelets a lot. I wear the kind made out of hippie ones lol. They don't hurt just scare me and I always jerk my arm lol I don't want to knock my rocks over bc the dumb clown scared me Haha. I made a fist at them yesterday..they didn't attack that! Lol
I routinely flick mine, and make contact, but they are FIERCE! Tyra Banks would love them, especially if they could smile with their eyes . . .
wrap the tank with a blanket to slow down heat loss, leave your lights on all night (unless they are LEDs) and turn your heat up. Also cover the top if you can to slow down evaporation.

heaters are the most common thing to break in the hobby, it usually a good idea to have two for the tank.