new lights for nano cube

Well actually,150w. MH fixture isn't too much.Even JBJ sells an upgraded hood with 150w. hood for your tank.

I couldn't find info on what the length is your tank.What is the length and are you okay running an open tank-no top?
yes i think i am ok open top the tank is something like 17 by 18 i think...if not its really close i was think maybe two 18" t5 fixtures but i have no idea what to do but i do not want to over do anything i dont want to under do it...and i am affaird of the heat the light will put off but the more i read the more everything says t5 is better then MH i am really getting stressed over all of this
That will work.

The reason I asked for the length.All the good bulbs for T5 starts at 24'' and goes up in length from there.In your case,I agree with everyone else,MH or the super expensive LED is the way to go.