New 8 x 4 x 2.5 Build


Reefing newb
Well the new 7 x 2.5 x 2.5 peninsular has been sold and the new build begins.

Our current tank is 12 months old on the 12th Dec. We have quickly run out of room and right from the start was annoyed that we hadnt gone wider with this build. We had the room. We thought about longer but didnt once think about wider.
So the build begins.

New tank specs.

8 x 4 x 2.5 Star fire Peninsular
6 x 2.5 x 2 Sump
Metal stand rated to 5 tonne

Total water volume 3000 lts. 100% Natural Sea water only.

2 x 8 x 80w ATI Sunpower Programmable units

Deltec SC2560 rated to 3000lts

Closed loop 12 outlets 3 x inlets plus 2 Maxpext Gyer 150's for surface break.

2 x TLF 550's carbon and rowaphos

We taped the new build around the existing 7 x 2.5 the other night, Hard to see on the white tiles with white tape but it is there if you look closely.

Tank will be ready and move over happen in Feb


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