my tank so far

I'm actually referring to the 10 gallon I had before the 30. I may have gotten lucky but the Clown has always owned up on the Damsel. Maybe my Damsel is a "fairy" IDK but he knows his place in the tank.
u think if i get rid of this one, buy a clown, and then buy a new damsel and introduce him to the clown, blenny ant other fish all at once he wont e as agressive.
Not really like everyone else said the Damsel will most likely be Boss Hog of the tank. My Damsel didn't kill my clown but he did kill the other Damsel that was in the tank. I think it is really hit or miss you could buy the clown put it in and watch to see how they get along. I would just take that little Damsel back to the fish store or use him for bait while fishing, I heard they are good Grouper Candy!!! LOL
wow firefish look realy nice, around how much are they and are they easy?
i dont want to get a expensive fish and have it die.

and i was watching planet earth, and their wwas a similar fish to the firefish but it burried its self in the sand and stuck its head out, does anyone know what it is called.
if you want to look at fish that would suit your tank go here

Aquarium Fish: Tropical Freshwater Fish and Saltwater Fish for Home Aquariums

go to marine fish and click on their nano fish section.

Firefish are easy and peaceful tank mates and very cool looking, I think they run $30 or so? It just depends really, one thing you have to learn is that prices vary widely.

Also internet prices can't be compared to store prices because you have to have a minimum purchase from an online place and usually pay around $30-35 for shipping. Ususally a store will be close to liveaquarias prices though because there are tons of suppliers and they buy in bulk so the shipping doesn't affect their prices as much.
At my fish store, firefish run $10 to $20 each.

If I were you, I would not get attached to that, or any damsel. A 12 gallon tank is too small for a fish that's that aggressive. And damsels are some of the MOST aggressive fish in the hobby. My blue damsel (that I used to cycle my first tank a long long long time ago :() will kill any fish that is smaller than it. It also used to kill any coral that I put in its territory. Damsels just don't make good fish if you are planning on having a "community" tank with different types of animals in it.
Yeah,damsels are cheap and hardy.There also mean lil basterds that swam straight up out of the deepest darkest pits of hell.
I'd a lay a years pay that the one I flushed a year ago is still alive and terrorizing everything in the septic tank.
I am pretty sure they are to keep and you need a big tank for them, definetely not a 75 and they are for experts. When do you plan on upgrading? I know you'll want to as this tank will feel small soon.
alright good just be sure to monitor it and keep up with once a week water changes.

The smaller the tank the easier it is for stuff to change quickly. That's what makes bigger tanks easier actually
Now take that 10 gallon tank and put 7 to 8 inches of sand in the bottom and look at how much rooms left for water.
The LFS I help at dont even carry jawfish because of how they stress if they dont have enough sand to borrow in.

wow thats a lot of sand, i only got about 2 inches, im thinking about adding another inch or 2.
The thing is,If you add enough sand to keep a jawfish happy,your only gonna have about 7 or 8 inches of water.
Think of it like this.Lets say your 5 feet tall.The minium size room you could live is 5ftX5ft.But would you really want to live that confined?
i also want to add more live rock, but the price it was at my local fish strore was pretty expensive, 10.50 a pound. so i only bought 3.5 lbs, i decided to order more on ebay.

the store where i got all my stuff for my freshawater and salt water is called Aquarium adventure, it is quiete big have a look