My Perfect Tank?

bkv1997 said:
You might want to go back and double check, but a 96"x24"x84" tank is ~837 gallons...

Little more than 300:mrgreen:
Your a funny,funny man (NOT). So I included the stand and canopy, Now do the math GENIUS
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I was just trying to help, as many times people mistakenly miscalculate or just take other peoples word on the size of their tank, especially when they acquire it second hand.

No worries though, from this point foward I won't make the mistake of trying to help you again.

Cheers. :Cheers:
Yea bro he was just trying to help you. Also moderators are here to help you and we do this for free. The staff will not tolerate being talked to in this manner.

We want to help so just relax. ;)
Yea he is in time out. He said some very vulgar things in a response hence the time out.
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hello all, the site hasnt let me post for a couple days, dont know why?
Anyway, nice to meet you viper! Sorry to hear youve been having trouble with your tank! The best advice I can give is patience!!!! and lots of it. I agree with BKV, you really need a skimmer, and the bottom line with skimmers is get the best you can afford (after doing your research first) I have used several and been very frustrated with them all, everyone has there own opinions and every skimmer will operate differently in every tank situation. As for the aqua c I used a EV90 for a year on my tank, and even though it was to small for my tank it did ok. I had to clean it every couple days or it would stop working, and I always had to readjust the gate valve. I used a Berlin triple pass skimmer and it was worthless! I use a aqua c remora on my frag tank and it works great, but they are to small for your setup. Im currently using a euro reef and love it, even though my sump isnt plumbed for it yet,Im working on that this week. but its works great as long as I keep the water level stable in the compartment its in. But it sounds like you cant fit one in your sump. Can you drill your sump for a external skimmer? I have a etss that works great, and you would also be happy with a MRC. both are almost identical except for the air induction. but both are also very bulky and require lots of pump pressure. you could mount one externally though if you can find a way. Can you post any pics of your sump and surrounding area? we could make better suggestions if we saw what you have to work with. talk to ya later
ok O by the way love your tank( RevReefer) hoping to achevie something similar hopefully.I will try to post some pics leaning how to use the new camra so I'll try.
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I've tryed to put pic up but it won't work.They load but afer that the screen just goes white and if Irefresh does the same thing
Sent you a PM... email them to me at the address in the private message and i'll load them for you.

Vipers Tank:






My opinion would be to make use the refugium part of your current sump for a Skimmer or to plumb in an external Skimmer in the extra space next to it.

Also the reason you were having trouble loading the pictures was because the file size was so large the page was timing out before they could get uploaded. Try putting your camera in like 640x480 mode when taking pics to upload online.

Thank you for posting for me.Don't I need the refugium to be the filter I can't just have a skimmer ? I thought the more natural it is the better.There is live rock in the first chamber also but you can't see it from the pics.
Depends on the person and the way they want to do things.

The ultimate goal is to keep nitrates and phosphates at or as near to 0 as possible. This can be done with a large refugium or a good skimmer. Or even a combination of both.

I personally prefer using a skimmer as large refugiums tend to bleed back into the water and discolor it, which then impacts the ability for light to penetrate the water.

I'm sure others might have different thoughts, but if i had to choose between a refugium and a skimmer, I would pick skimmer. Attached is a picture of my tank with a skimmer and it is my only refugium, etc...


hope this helps and remember there is always more than one way to have a succesful reef tank.
Your tank looks great bkv1997. I think I will have to go with a skimmer on the out side because even if I clean out my sump the tank that I'm useing isn't wide enough for a big skimmer and I realy don't want to have to buy a larger tank and skimmer and the mirical mud I just got it a few months ago and that wasn't cheap
Thanks for the complement and I completely understand.

Putting one on the outside would require you to drill a hole in the tank and install a bulkhead.... if you can do that then I would recommend an MR2 from My Reef Creations

If you can't anything is better than nothing and you honestly have a pretty light bio load, so the Aqua Remora C hang on with the Mag 3 might actually be best in your particular setup, plus you will have the refugium.

If you do get the aqua c remora, be sure to get the remora pro. it is bigger. If you start getting more corals or fish though you will have to upgrade somehow. I just tore down my 20 gallon refugium this week to turn it into a skimmer compartment. the refugium was cool cause it was like a second tank, but I always had high nitrates and phosphates, so after a year I desided to go with a big skimmer and bought a aquafuge hang on the back refugium to keep growing my mangroves. Good luck and keep us posted
Well I decided to get the Aqua Medic Turbo Flotor multi SL it will handle a 250 gallon it had the option to be a hang on so I went ahead and got it.I should get next week and I hope it is a good one.
I'm sure any skimmer would help. You might also want to consider running some carbon from time to time to take some of the yellow out of your water.