my new additions

Okay, how do I start with this one.......

I get home tonight oh about 8:30 I'm excited to put in my new coral.. and what do I find when I get home. My power is out, I went into the power department this morning and paid so I'm up to date,,,, so I call the power company and of course no one is there. I end up calling the police department and they called the emergency power person......

Okay so he calls me (TJ) and says your power is off because you have a fence around the power box, well to make this long conversation shorter.. he tells me that I have to move my fence before he will turn it back on, of course I was angry (after all my fish are suffering,in the tank as well as my pond) the temp in the house is about 90 degrees and he is telling me no power until the fence is moved, well my husband is out of town, I have dogs, the fence is attached to my house and he is refusing to turn on the power... I finally appologize and kiss butt so that he will come turn on the power.

The power comes on and ...................... I have lost all of my fish but 3........... I have over 500 pods dead in my system and no water ready for a water change, So I have put in my corals and am preparing water (luckily I have an RO DI filter) But it will still be late tomorrow before I can get my water change done......... Its my daughter birthday party on top of it all she will be 15 so I feel that its a big deal, she says its okay mom fix your tank. She luckily didn't lose any of her fish...........

I think this is probably the longest message I have ever written but I needed to get it off of my chest....... this city I live in is a bunch of ?!@# heads...
Whoa. No way. That is such bad news, I'm sorry. You'd think they'd warn you first, you know, send you a letter saying, "Please remove the fence OR ELSE we will turn off the power." How hot did your tank get?

It sucks, I went through this last month and boiled almost all my animals :(. I hope that you will be able to get the water change done and not lose any more.
yea you would think that they would send a letter a phone call.. the TJ guy said that they called me,,,, I am at work until after 7 most nights, and tonight I got the corals and had to go to the liqour store.... so it was even later..

oh the town I live in, just a bunch of red neck ??????

The tank only got up to about 85 so not to bad, I am hoping the 2 fish I can't get to will be eaten by the hermits that are still around, and my urchin..
I am so sorry for your loss. I wish Utah was not run by a bunch of rednecks....but.... It is. Which fish are still alive and which ones did you lose?

PM me and I will explain HERFERT.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I lost my
flagfin angel which is the one I cared most
chalk basslet
red margin fairy wrasse
midas blenny
black sailfin blenny
arrow crab
yellow belly damsel (which isn't to bad cuz I'm sure I was going to want to remove him any way)
lots of pods

I still have my
chocolate (mimic) tang
"Louie" tang sorry I can never spell what he really is
"baby sarge" blonde naso
yellow belly damsel

although I did have a hairy crab in the tank that I was able to take out, cuz he was looking for oxygen, so Franklin "the Octopus" or Mr. Nice guy " the mantis" will get a good meal.... I will take video.
WOW! I dont think I could kiss butt I'd be pissed and yelling. Very sorry to hear about it.
WOW! I dont think I could kiss butt I'd be pissed and yelling. Very sorry to hear about it.

yea I did get pissed and yelled but he was refusing to come turn on the power until I tour down my fence, so I had to change my ..........??????????
so now I have until friday to move the fence.. or he will shut it off again.
The power company is supposed to give you notice before they they cut your power for stuff like that.
I believe I would would make them up a bill for your lost live stock and be a general pain in their a$$ till they forked over enough cash to at least restock with.
Hate hear about that.BTW.
yea they called my home and left a message, on friday morning... funny thing is they have my cell phone and work number and I didn't get a call on either of them. I would try to persue getting some sort of reinbursement but, I know I won't get anything out of this town... They get a power trip (punt intended) from controlling our lives.

one time I need 4 extra days to pay my power bill, I even had half to pay and need the extra days for my paycheck to come and they would not even make arrangements for that, I had to borrow money from the inlaws...

Well I haven't lost anything else and my corals are doing great, I will get some picks posted, I ended up not losing any of my yellow belly damsels (at least they aren't as bad as some of the other damsels) I put them in on purpose.
Well,at least thats the bright side of it.

I'd still do everything I could to burn em.But I'm vengefull like that.
Guess its my redneck side.
sorry to hear about the loses. I think I would pay that communist bastard of a power company a personal visit.....and at least leave the dead fish under the secretary's desk without her knowing.