my little piece of ocean


Reefing newb
hi good morning to all my fellow reefers heres a few shots of my tank that you guys help me figure out how to set up. the tank has completely cycled a few weeks ago and have 3 cerith snails,3 blue legged hermit crabs,4 turbo snails,1 emerald crab,1 blue damsel, 1 candy cane coral , and i know imma get s***t from some of you guys for adding this so early to my tank but i have 1 gbta thats doing great anything you guys see that im doing wrong please let me know for lighting i have a oddyssea quad light ho t5s two actinics and two 100000k whites and six lunar leds with built in timer as for filtration skimmerless with live rock and bio balls for floss media heres a drwaing of the back of my tank ( courtesy of washburn82) i cant figure out how to transfer pics from other post so heres the link instead

thanks jason


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Welcome! What size of tank do you have? It looks like you are going to need some more live rock in there, and I'd recommend slowly removing the bioballs as you add more live rock - they can become a nitrate factory over time. I'd also recommend just testing the heck out of your tank for a while so that you can try to keep the water as stable as possible with the anemone you added - you already know you're gonna get sh*t for it, so no need for me to say more - just get it out of your tank as soon as possible if things start going south! You might also want to exchange the damsel for a more peaceful first fish - damsels can be mean little guys! What other fish are you planning to add?
i kinda new i had to add more lr to my tank but currently it has 30 pounds of it you cant see the rock on the back of the tank i believe its close to a 40 gallon tank not sure ill measure again later on my parameters are stable for three weeks now no soikes in anything currently my paraqmeters are

salt 1.026
ph 8.4

amonia 00ppm

nitrite 0ppm nitrate 0ppm those are currently the only test i have at this time im planning to add two true clowns 1 yellow tail tang some gobbies to sift sand and more corals and maybe 1 more anemone in the future


Looks like you are off to a good start, I would remove the bioballs like Fishy has suggested.

Also there are reasons why we dont recommend nems go in tanks under a year old, especially if the owner of the tank isnt very experienced. I do hope you are aware that nems can nuke the whole tank if they die.

Also you are limited to one small for every 10 gallons for the first year or so. So I would remove the damsel so you can get more of the fish you actually want to keep. The two clowns and one sand shifting would do well in there, but I wouldnt suggest a yellow tang. Tangs need lots of swimming room to do well. Another fish that would do well in there are some of the wrasses and a blenny.
He looks fine, your lights are one the low side for a nem though. However, what i think your biggest hurdle will be keeping good water quality. Nems require pristine water conditions and stability, which is very hard to achieve in a new tank owned by someone without reef keeping experience.
i know i rushed in and bought the little guy far too soon but i read poeple been succsfull with gettin a nem like three months into setup of tank a being very succesfull i hope im one of them with this succes
It is generally a really bad idea to assume that you will be the exception to the rule especially if you have never had a tank before, but i do wish you luck.
The anemone looks healthy -- is it attached to a rock? Or just sitting on the sand bed? If it's attached to a rock, that's good news. If it's flopping around on the sand, that's bad news. :)
He's attached to the rock its word because I've heard of anemones walking all over to find a spot but this one was trained it stayed on the rock the first time and didn't move I think he found a happy spot