My first anemone + question


Reef enthusiast
Yesterday I went out with my brother to the biggest LFS in melbourne. He picked up his octopus (which is still in hiding so no pictures yet for a thread) and I got a few items including my first anemone.

So far, It has eaten, opened up and stopped moving around the tank. I think im doing alright :D

here is a pic of my anemone


I have looked at a few anemones and saw this, its a sabae anemone but im not sure exactly what kind



anyone have any idea?
I'm not sure what your question is, but the 1st pic looks like it's a Magnificent anemone (Heteractis magnifica). The next 2 pics, the 1st is way overexposed and the 2nd is under actinic lighting, are sebae anemones.
Well, was just wondering with the sabae, do they all look like that? with the purple tips? or is that just a basic one?
+1 Capt.
Dont be adjusting your flow any now that the nem is some what settled.You dont want it walking through your corals.
i was thinking the same thing. but the first thing that happened was my brother bought a cheap 40 dollar powerhead for a 30 litre tank which lifted the snd so i had to swap my 150 dollar powerhead with him so he could have flow in the tank because the cheap one makes a jet while the koralia pushes the water differently. dam little brothers lol. meant the anemone moved a little but not much luckily.