great pick on the angel. It looks good.
About ADHD, there are three types: hyperactive type (what people used to call ADD), inattentive type (what it sounds like you may struggle with), and combined type...the kind of people you want to may be that as well...just kidding.
ADHD inattentive type is quite common and is marked by several items such as lapse in thought, inability to focus on one thing at a time, frequent forgetting of important items, easily bored, etc.
family practice doctors are not the best qualified professionals to assess psychological disorders. They get about two weeks of training in med school. If you really want to know, you have to go to a psychologist who has about 6 years of training in diagnostics. If you are able to work through school without meds, go for it. I think people tend to be over-medicated anyway, but I am also a fan to meds for people who really need them. Just my :twocents: