My ever coninuing questions thread...

flame angel, not fire angel. if you get one, you will be fine. also look at a cherub angel and a potters angel. all good adds


about the meds... if you really have ADHD, you can manage it with a little caffiene until you get meds you need. Drink yourself a Mountain Dew, and if it slows you down - you may have ADHD. If you wake up and feel more energized, chances are you do not have ADHD. It is not fool proof, but is a nice guessing tool.
With the meds, I went in to get checked because when I started college I was doing REALLY bad because I cant read text books. At all. I start and within 2 minutes my brain is in 5 other places. But I'm a really good test taker, so I evolved my habits to go to class every day and just listen in class and take notes, and now I can ace tests with out opening a book. I went in and had a few tests run, my friends prescribed to adderall XR and he recommended trying to get on that. So I go in and take a 700 something question true/false test, then I get done and the doctor says "Oh, everything seems to be normal" oh wierd it looks normal to you, but it doesn't feel normal to me... Its not so much of a hyperactive thing at all really, its just a concentration thing. My mind is constantly going on at least 5 things. Fish tank! Car! School! work!
I just noticed that the one main hair algae covered rock is looking different already. All the hair algae has like a mucus covering on it and looks kinda whitish. Is that a good sign that the phos-ban and chaeto are already leaching its phosphates and starting to drive it back into submission?
Great news! Biff what you think about a small angel? Should I take my chances? The LFS has some of the cherub angels, and they are really a pretty fish I think. I could use a blue fish in my tank. And I'd really like to see how pretty it in under some decent lights, not at the LFS.
I think I'm gunna run down to the LFS and see what he wants for one. give it a shot and see if he will work out. Maybe pick up a little bit more live rock and slowly build up the back of my tank a little more.
Do the pygmy angels tend to lose their color or get less bright when they are scared? Because after he got home he doesnt look as bright as he did under the crap lighting at the LFS even...

Here he is, hes already out and having a good time around the tank. saved him from his little 10 gallon prison. Are the black spots on him normal? It almost looks like he got scraped or had ick or something there now that he is under real light, it looks like some of the blue scales are missing and leaving a darker spot.
The tank I got him out of was acrylic petshop tanks, like the connected ones. I think he could fit between the water flow slots, thats what I was thinking could have scraped him a bit. He seems to be acting normal, hes out graving on all the rocks. He is kind of jittery and seems very hyperactive, But hes only been in there a day so thats understandable. Im gunna try some frozen food in a little bit and then I'll see how hes eating.
He is [SIZE=-1]definitely a nipper though. He hangs out in 1 spot in the tank (on the opposite side of the tank as the clam). He hangs out in the rocks and just nips at everything on the rock. I'm not sure what hes trying to nip at, but he doesnt get any algae or anything off.
Anyone watching colts pats? Should be a good game.
Lol, alright. I was gunna move my kenya tree off the rock because I was adding some more live rock, and its stuck on there tight, I just put the rock around it. Oh well maybe it will get mad and move to the sand bed where it belongs. In recent news the little angel is eating, its pretty skiddish yet but he shot out of the rocks and grabbed a few pieces of food.
listening to it at work. I want the colts to lose. my girl loves the colts. I like em too. but it will be fun to poke fun at her if they lose