Mushroom question


Reefing newb
I got this mushroom from the lfs, it was part of a group of live rock that he had selling it all at once. He said it was some sort of leather coral.... I don't know tried to look it up but can't find it. when i first got it ie was kinda dead but came back to good health all these tenticals were comint out of it about half an inch long. I moved it about a week ago putting some new powerheads in and now his is getting discolored and I have not seen any of its tenticals come out since. Is it dying? Anything I should do?Thanks in advance.
Got a pic? They usally do get discolored when they shed. Mine does it every so often. I have mine in med light with light flow, just enough to keep particles off it.
Here are some pictures. Am i bleaching it or something? It has some slime on it today. thanks


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it looks bleached and if it has slime on it, that means it isnt getting enough flow to blow that off, so first things first is get some flow on it and try to move it a little closer to the lights
Is that under the lights you was trying get?If so,Then that leathers getting plenty of light.
Probably just need a touch more waterflow to keep the slim blown off of it.
Can there be too much flow if I get it too close I put it kinda close to the powerhead. It has a good bit blowing on it now. I talked to some one at the lfs and they thought I may be bleaching it.
I really can't tell from the pic if it's bleaching. If it's a tanish color it's just shedding. If it's turning white I would say it is. If shedding is the case just have the flow hit it enough to keep particles off it.
It's definitely not a mushroom, but it does look like it is probably a toadstool leather. I agree with everyone else, try blowing the slime off with a turkey baster. It's not unusual for them to go through phases where they "shed" and their tentacles don't come out. It is a bad sign if it looks like it's rotting away.
Yeah when I first got it form the lfs it was upside down squished by a bunch of rocks. the base looks a little weak, it looks like it has been thru a lot. when i got it I just rested it against another rock and it was doing fine untill i moved it and got my new lighting system. I got all the slim off now, it was showing like two tenticals. Looking at the bottom where it is attached to the rock, it looks like it is decaying or something just being held on by a mabye half, Is there anything I can do?
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I'd give it a couple of days and see what happens.The change in light can cause them to slim up too.So just give it a day or 2 and see what happens.