Muddy Crushed Coral?

It's crushed coral. I have some in a bucket and have been running it under the tub faucet for awhile and it's murky as can be. Hmm. you mentioned dechlorinated? Well I've been rinsing it straight from the faucet. Maybe I should ad some chlorine treatment to my tank when I start filling it.

please, please, don't use tap water to fill your tank! you will regret it greatly later on. tap water contains phospates, heavy metals and possibly nitrates that will cause big time algae problems. use ro/di water to fill tank and for top-offs. your lfs should carry it, or you can buy it at wal-mart. or if the money allow you can purchase your own to go under your sink
ok put your sand in first then put a bowl in then pur your rodi saltwater in the bowl so when it goes over the rims all the sand wont be floating up
sand in first? Gotcha. the bowl does make sense tho. that way the sand won't splurt out all over the place. I'm going to local lfs to see if they carry sand and how much it costs. if it's not too much, I'll get some. i doubt they'll let me exchange the crushed coral since it's opened. bleh. that sucks. I might just end up using the cc since it's already paid for.
i used cc in the beginning, but it looked ugly, so i eventually got rid of it, lot of pain in the process of doing it too. even if you dont want to change it now, you will later. what made me break down and change it out was that i couldnt keep any sand sifting fish, and once i saw them in the lfs, i wanted them =p
Sand sifting fish eh? Awesome. Which ones are they? The only thing that really bothers me about the sand, is vacuuming. It sounds like a pain to vacuum because of the small grains. Yeah there are cleaner fish but it may be awhile before I can afford to buy all those janitors. The cleaner shrimp are $30 at the lfs and I don't remember seeing any snails. oh, and then there's the fact that i already paid $20 for the cc and can' t return it since it's opened. :(
The thing about the sand is you DONT have to vacuum it.
A serpent star and a few hermits will keep it prety well clean.
With crushed coral,you'll HAVE to vacuum it,just like gravel in a fresh water tank.Only in your saltwater tank,you'll be vacuuming out a lot of the helpful hitch hikers that live in the substrate,The pods,worms,and other little bugs that actually help keep a salt water tank going.
They come out the live rock.So yeah,they pretty much just grow in there.
Thats one the beautys of live rock.You get a lot of critters that are natural cleaners.
Live rock is expensive so it will be a few months before I can get any. I was looking at some on the internet and that stuff is over a hundred bucks. I can' t afford that much money for a ROCK.
The way to offset the price of live rock is tostart with dry lace rock.You can usually buy lace for around $2.00 a pound.
In a 30 gallon tank,go with 20 pounds of lace rock,a piece or 2 at a time,untill you got say 20 to 25 pounds of it,then buy say 5 to 10 pounds of good quality live rock to seed the lace.
I'll bet my paycheck that is the LFS sales saltwater critter,that they have both live and lace rock.

If they dont,you need to find a new store.