Mounting clams?

No, I hadn't done that yet. Hadn't even thought about that honestly. My worry is that hitting it with a power head is going to knock it off. I wish we could glue them, lol.

Ill give that a shot today when I get home. Anything else I can or should be doing?
Just keep trying with it.
Clams can be picky as crap when it comes to gettin en settled in.
Sorry to potentially hijack the thread, but I've got the same clam, with same coloring essentially. But my tank's much shorter... and my lights are strong. So how do we know when the clam's happy with its spot? Is it possible to give them too much light?
I believe if a clam is happy it will fully extend it's mantle and open up rapidly if startled. I don't think they can get too much light, if acclimated to it first.
I added another powerhead, a mj 1200 on the back. I have it blowing over the top of the clam, hopefully thatll help.

I at least didn't wake up and find it in the sand again. Hopefully it will pull through.
I wouldn't worry about him. Just because he has not attached yet doesn't mean he is going to die. Sometimes it takes a while.
Just keep trying with it.
Clams can be picky as crap when it comes to gettin en settled in.

Ya they can ;-)

I believe if a clam is happy it will fully extend it's mantle and open up rapidly if startled....

You know it ;-)

...I've got the same clam, with same coloring essentially...So how do we know when the clam's happy with its spot? Is it possible to give them too much...

:D :mrgreen: :shock: :bounce:

+1 David
If their happy,they'll open good and will usually attach themselves.

Ya they will ;-)

Your clam will be alright.It just take a little bit of time to get em settled in:D


...Had too...sorry :mrgreen: But in all seriousness...Clams sound like a PITA! Or is all the headache in the set-up...are they fairly self-sufficient once they've found their "happy place"?

Clams are a lot like women.When their happy,their no problem at all.But let em get pissed,and you got a problem:wink: