Moorish Idol: Notebook

I tried the paste in the rocks, but it was hard to tell if he got any. I put it in too late at night just before the lights went out. The stupid hermit crabs covered the hole in the rocks where I put the food. I will try again tomorrow. I am still hopeful. I will also be looking for another tank mate for him to draw the attention of the Koran away.

selcon is a good idea. its in all of my frozen mixtures.

Doc dont your angels eat the sponges too? does it raise competition or is the idol much much more interested in sponges compared to the angels
I'm glad your new fish seems to be eating well, Doc. And I enjoy reading the excitement in your updates :). I second the idea to use Selcon. It's good stuff. There's a different brand of the same stuff, it's called Zoecon, in case you don't find Selcon at your LFS.
there are few sponges left in the 125. I have tons in the 90. I may start cutting them off the rocks in the 90 and putting them into the 125 if his eating ever declines. Angels love sponge too.


Moorish Idol likes emerald entree. He went after it good and hard. so far, so good. The Koran has stopped picking on him as much, which should take the stress off of him a bit. I still need to add a buffer fish to the 125 but can't decide which one to add. I ran into a pink-tail trigger at the LFS and wanted to get it, but I don't want to copy Biff. They had a bluejaw but it was not looking so good. still searching.

that is what I call a fish that is added to the tank to draw the attention of the most aggressive away from the least aggressive. A distraction fish: like a pygmy angel or something like that.

*Update* the Moorish Idol has contracted what looks like a touch of Ich. it is light on the black lines. He is still eating. He seems to enjoy Nori and emerald entree. I will not worry until he stops eating or if another fish catches Ich. I am most worried about the Sohal Tang. While I do love the novelity of a Moorish Idol I am not ready to risk my angels or the Sohal

My tanks seam to have an abundance of these little white sponges

I wonder if these would help to supplement the idol?

I will ask my LFS if they can order me one.

i have a rock that is full of those sponges and tons of red and yellow sponge and this rock is the size of a basketball.
nice sponges. I will try to add my own rocks with them if it comes to that. So far, he is eating emerald entree like crazy. I am glad to watch him eat. I am going to add the pink-tail trigger tomorrow.


the little guy is eating, but is not getting fatter. He may be losing a bit of weight. NOT a good sign. For those interested in trying it, a believe the Moorish Idol must be the biggest fish (size-wise) in the tank to get an advantage with feeding. They are not super fast eaters, and while my guy does eat, more than I was expecting to see, they seem to have fast metabolisms, kinda like an orphaned Russian kid. He eats daily, but I think I will need to up it to two or three times a day. I will go with a cube three times a day to see what happens. I had cut back to once a day since pulling all the LPS corals out of the tank with the angelfish and putting them in the 90. I am not afraid of them picking on the leathers.

He does enjoy eating squid though. I tried some of that for a treat for the trigger. He seemed to enjoy it as much as the Moorish Idol did. He did seem to attract a touch of Ich about three or four days ago, but it has gotten less and has not stopped eating. So far, still going strong

I will have to check it out. Thanks for the tip, Dominick

As for that whole "attachment thing", it is called reactive attachment disorder and it is a lovley disorder to treat. Tends to take a few years of regular therapy to arrange, that and a healthy dose of maturity. Glad to see you survived Biff, lesser people would have torn out their hair!!!

BTW, I made a promise to myself to be nicer to you, Biff, but when that crocea thread happened, it was too easy to pass up. I will get back on track though

As for that whole "attachment thing", it is called reactive attachment disorder and it is a lovley disorder to treat. Tends to take a few years of regular therapy to arrange, that and a healthy dose of maturity. Glad to see you survived Biff, lesser people would have torn out their hair!!!

Yeah I baby sat them from when I was 13 to 15. Darryl and Daniel. They were... 7 years old I think. There's no way I would have survived had all the other babysitters not already quit on them and the parents were forced to shell out MUCHO DINERO if they ever wanted to leave their house!
tough kids, but they can get over it. They need consistency in their surroundings to help them cope

um, yeah....I named the first three that same thing. Sorry to disappoint. I was thinking about something more traditional, like Spike or Larry, something very Middle Eastern like that!

glad we could cover that one. Now on to your Avitar...did you mean to post it?

no, you just look waaay too seductive for a kid-friendly website. nice make-up job though
