Miniture Anemone


Reefing newb
I was watching my condy anemone eat today when i noticed that on the rock hes perched on there is about five to six what look like miniature nems they are very hard to see smaller than the tip of an eraser. i was wondering what they were ill try to get a picture but they are small so its hard to get a focused picture.
google ball anemone and see if that is what you have, those are fun little guys to have. But you should also check and see if you aiptasia or manjo nems, those guys are major pests and need to take care ASAP
picture if you can see it


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I cant see it but your nem looks to be in really bad shape. A white, bleached nem like you have means its really sick and under extreme stress. Its has expelled all of its symbiotic algae is no long capable of feeding itself.

How long have you had this nem? What sort of lighting do you have? How is your water quality?
the picture shows him as really white but he is indeed a tan color in person, he was in much worse shape when i got him and his color has improved tremendously