Melonbob's 46g build!

Melon,those rocks has some of the nicest shapes I've seen.Can I have them?

Those are smaller Anthelia below the main colony.Fast growers and multiply just as fast.They look really nice.All th others I agree with-duster worm on the snail and diatom/cyano with air bubbles trapped.Siphon it out when you do a water change.
i have to agree with everyone else - loving the rocks! it looks awesome. i like the growth you have going on. and speaking from observations the algae definitely seems like a constant battle for everyone.
I tried to siphon the algae off last night, It won't come off the rock. Grrrrr.....I'm going to the LFS tomorrow and I'll see what they have. Thanks again for the compliments on the rock, I drove 4 hrs to get it. I knew nothing about rock, but once I saw it I knew what I wanted. I've never heard of it anywhere other than the store I got it from
If you decide to keep him on the sand, try placing him in a piece of clear vinlyn tubing, stuck in the sand. it will let his polyps extend much better and keeps then from grinding in the sand. as you can see in the pic, the tubing is not noticeable when the polyps are expanded. (unless you are looking for it)

great buys. I love those things. I lost one in my move, but still have one kicking around in my 90. Wonderful pics

Well, the cut back on the lighting seems to be working very well for the algae, however my corals aren't liking it at all.....frogspawn isn't inflating to half the size it was a few days ago, and the small blooms on my anthilias look like they've actually died, although the large ones look fine. Wait, I take it back, the small blooms on the anthilias are back today.....
Anthelia! Anthelia! Anthelia!(sorry,I'm sounding like Biff)

Love the blood shrimps.For some reason my fish rather get serviced by the blood shrimp than the skunk cleaner.
Sorry, Now that you have exposed my lack of spelling skill for the whole site to see, I will go cry in a corner of my living room.....(;
There's only one person who is grammar perfect and thats Biff.

I figured,I would save you before Biff jumps in and corrects you like that one high school teacher everyone hates.
I remember that teacher, she and I had words one day. it ended nicely though...M.I.D.F. kinda like MILF, only better

There's only one person who is grammar perfect and thats Biff.

I figured,I would save you before Biff jumps in and corrects you like that one high school teacher everyone hates.

Ahem. Did you mean to say, "There's only one person whose grammar is perfect, and that's Biff."?????

:) I know. I'm a snot.
great choices. I like the look of that pink-tipped frogspawn. It is my favorite variety. nice pics
