Melonbob's 46g build!

increase water changes from twice a month to weekly. You corals only need 4 hours of light a day. We keep them on longer because we want to see our tanks with good light on them. Run a phosphate remover as well and it will go away

Im gonna say,go a step farther and do 20% water change once a week.
Start running some chemi-pure elite along with Marine SAT and the hair will be gone before you know it.
I'm just gonna update, I hate @#$!*&NG algae! Green hair has receeded, now looks like a flourescent green powder all over the place, and the %$@#*ng Diatoms are back, settling like brown shit wherever the green shit isn't.....grrrr! I still gotta get some phosphate remover, although my tests are nil. Sea hare isn't keeping up to well.......I'll give him credit for trying though.
On a positive note, we have some great additions over the past little while, we got a green star polyp frag, plus another one which I can't remember right now, Melissa bought a frogspawn, and we picked up a royal gramma. Everything is doing well, I'll let you know later about the frogspawn as we are dropping it as I write
I love the Live Rock you got.Its very unique.Was there any hitchhickers?I also like the aquascaping you did.Looking good so far.
Heres some pics of our latest additions. Tutone the gramma has adjusted quite well.


I can't tell you how many times I have called that number, trying to get lucky

Looks great Melon.
Go get to discouraged over the algae.That stuff is like sex,everybody gets it sooner or later.
Heres some new pics

Frogspawn after 3 days.....


The tank


What is this on my snail? Looks like a feather?


Another hitchhiker on my anthilias? I have no idea what this is


And finally the ugly ass algae. Whats with all the bubbles?


Thanks for the input
Thats a feather duster on the snail.Thats cool.

Those look kinda like clove polyps growing under the anthelia.Thats awesome.

As for your algae,leave your lights off for a couple of days and see if that helps.
Nice pics! I think your frogspawn will be happier if you put him up on the rocks instead of the sand bed.

On your snail, it could be a feather duster like Yote said, but it also looks like a kind of mushroom to me. I had a few of them on some live rock that I got, they looked exactly like that, kind of clearish with spots.
great pics. I agree with Biff. Move the frogspawn midway up the rocks. They like a bit more light than on the sand bed. it will stretch out more and look better.

The hitchhiker look like some kind of star polyp to me.

as for your algae. I hate to say it, but those bubbles look far too familiar, cyano baby, a nice batch of cyano.
