Looking at adding a fish, but what one?

God this morning reaffirms to me why I want a new big tank, with nice working drilled overflows... I'm so sick of this pile of crap APC overflow, rated for 600 GPH, which slowly progressively gets lower and lower every few hours, until your sump dries up and the tank is almost flooded. I clean the stupid thing with a bristle pipe cleaner brush thing every other day almost. And I wake up an hour early for class this morning to my pump grinding... Sweet. Ive heard good things about the overflows, whats up with mine? 600 gph, thorough 1" tubing. 700 gph pump, through like 4-5 feet of tubing, a check valve, a ball valve throttled back 1/4 the way, and a diffuser on top. This is probably the 4th time this has happened. Its driving me crazy. I'm not leaving town for more than half a day with this tank, I don't trust it enough.
To my extreme surprise, and I'm sure all of yours, my regal blue tang has ICK! No way right! Yeah he has no where to go now, too late to take her back, what can be do but fight it out? she doesnt seem bad off, she still eats like a pig, but there are little blemishes all over her body. Ive never had ick before, could it be velvet? I grabbed some NOX-ICH stuff today at the LFS, the guy said it works for him when they get in fish with it... It doesnt contain any copper that I can find any where, just says: Sodium Chloride .5%, Malachite Green .5% DIrections for saltwater 2 drops for every gallon for 3 consecutive days. They didnt have any kind of garlic extract or any selcon or anything like that ive read about at the LFS, or i would have gotten some to dip her algae in she gobbles down... Any one ever try something like this? Im going to hold off and add it till someone else gives some confirmation. Watch copper not be an "active ingredient" and not listed, and poison my tank for inverts for life...
If you add that to your tank,your done with inverts.
Any medications at all in your tank is going to kill any inverts that you got in there.
The malachite green is 'supposedly' reef safe, but I tried it in my QT with inverts once, and they all died.

Not much you can do but hope that the fish survives. Good luck. Keep in mind that if you don't give that fish to someone with a larger tank, you will keep running into the same problems. They just don't do well in a tank that size 99% of the time.
I could go get a 6 foot tank tomorrow thats not a problem, but its just setting it up for a few months then moving it 100 miles... thats the problem. You would think they would write on the bottle that that stuff is "NOT INVERT SAFE" it doesnt say anything anywhere, and the LFS said it didn't contain copper, and should be fine... sweet job there retards. Ill just take the shit back, raise my temp a little bit, I dont know about catching her and putting her in a QT, because my only tank that i have other than my main is only 4 gallon... wouldnt that just stress her out more? I just need to make it until summer time and she can move into a nice big tank, I didnt figure a 2" fish would have such issues...
they need a lot of room to swim or they get stressed. Aside from that they are Ich magnets. Don't try to catch him. Leave him alone and just wait it out. If you try to catch him and QT him, ESPECIALLY with these fish, they get SUPER stressed out. The Ich dies on them, then when you stress them out again by taking them from the QT to the DT they will get Ich again, but usually a worse case since they are so stressed out. Leave it alone. If it is feeding, you will be fine. It will get over it. Keep your hands out of the tank.

I didnt figure a 2" fish would have such issues...

Ummm sorry to say it, but YES YOU DID. We all told you that the hippo tang is a parasite magnet and that you shouldn't put a hippo tang in a tank that size, but you did it anyways. Just hope that it doesn't give ich to every other fish in your tank now.

Sorry, I don't want to sound harsh, but this situation should come as no surprise to anyone here.
I came home today and there is almost no visible signs again, its so on and off, some days you can see little white specs all over, then others she looks pretty clean. Shes eating the strips of algae I put in so fast... A 4" strip about 3/4 an inch wide lasts a few hours max. I'm just going to keep putting in 1 a day and hopefully it helps her get over it better. I'm talking to a buy right now about a 125, trying to convince him why the tank he paid $1,200 for and used for a while isnt worth 1200$+ any more, hopefully he will sell it for a decent price. He said he also paid 50$ each to drill it, and its got 4 holes, why would you have a 125 drilled for 4 holes? is that just overflow tubes on each side or what? At the LFS the guy only has 2 holes in his 180. Unless they are something like half inch holes I cant see why you would need that much flow, 2 600's would be fine I think... Unless they are returns of some sort? He hasnt sent any pictures and he doesnt know a whole lot about it any more.
As long as the fish is eating, that's a good sign. If you aren't doing so already, soak the food in garlic extract before you feed.

Sometimes tanks are drilled for drains and returns, so that you don't need to put the plumbing behind the tank. I bet that's what you're talking about.