Looking at adding a fish, but what one?

a dottyback might be a good choice for you as well. We all know you are stubborn and tend to do your own thing, regardless of the sage advice you get here from those much smart than I. Your tank, your choice, your loss if it fails. best of luck to you. post pics of the yellow tang when you get it.

Ha, doc knows me all to well. But no seriously I do love the advice and take it as much as I can. In the first 2 pages roughy everyone was like oh, sounds like it will work if its not a big one, then once one person says no it wont, the whole mood changes... I made plans to head over and check out the smaller one tomorrow, if he looks good and everything seems alright I would probably get him. Worst case scenario If he seems unhappy and doesnt lose his white line and doesnt seem happy ill sell him to the LFS, oh well lose out on 15$, I'll live. I think he will be fine for quite a while, with the way my tank looks now, all you see most of the time (other than feeding time) is 2 small clowns always together in 1 end, in a 4 foot long aquarium. I'll see what tomorrow holds, I hope the lady I talked to today is working again tomorrow, she actually sounded like she knew what she was talking about. Thanks for the input guys, i dont mean to seem like im not taking it at all, I am, quite a number of people said If i can find a small one and plan on upgrading within a certain amount of time it should be fine... Thanks though guys.
I finally went on craiglist for the first time ever, man there are some deals on there. Someone is selling a 125 with stand for 75$ "in great condition" I emailed him, hopefully check it out and store that bad boy until I move, Figured if I'm spending 2 years I might as well hit the big tank club mark instead of going with a 90 and upgrading when I run out of room in a few more years... I think i'm going to keep my eye out for a really good deal and store the thing for another 7 or 8 months before the move, then set it up and get it going before moving everything over. What do you guys in the big tank club spend on average maintaining your tanks? Anything more than my 50 except multiplied once or twice over? Main costs will just be a crap load more live rock, and lighting from what I can foresee.
I just tried my third yellow tang, and it had a heart attack and died about 30 seconds after entering my tank.

I read that, I went to check out that yellow tang there, it was the perfect size, but very crappy looking. Tattered fins, pale with the distinct lateral line and all. I know you guys are probably going to freak out... And i've been preparing, but my girlfriend really loved the blue tang, they had a beautiful one only about 2.5" long and looked to be in excellent health. After some begging from her, well not a whole lot, but enough to convince me. And after looking it up a little bit realized that the recommended tank on a blue tang even though it eventually gets a little bigger than a yellow is 30 gallons smaller than the yellow... I'm 100% comitted to upgrading to a larger tank within the year, at a minimum I think 75, if the apartment i'm going to live in will permit, a 125. But i'll find that out more when It comes time to start looking at a specific place to live for next school year. The tang is really doing well, best ive ever seen for a first day fish, hes eating, swimming around a lot, getting along with everyone, and even nipping some hair algae! Woo-Hoo! I've been preparing for the harassment all day, but if it makes my girlfriend happy, and it's not a $7,500 ring, it makes me happy as well.

nice looking fish, I have one, but FYI, the source you got about tank requirements of that fish are wrong. They need a minimum of 100, but more like 125. they get larger than a foot, while yellow tangs max out at 9 inche. You will be ok for about 3 years tho before he gets too big. good luck.

If anyone could photoshop out that hair algae, in real life, in my tank, I would greatly appreciate it! But seriously, god I'm thinking about cutting my lights all together for a few days here, maybe let the new fish get acquainted more with his new tank mates before I play god and unleash 4 days of darkeness upon his world. He seems to be a happy fish so far, she just goes nuts on the chunks of sheet algae stuff I got for her (my girlfriend decided its a her)
Oh. Thanks doc for not getting mad, i was dreading telling anyone the whole ride home. I checked liveaquaria.com because I thought they were pretty reliable with their info on there, kinda was wondering how that worked, I guess I just figured that it wasn't as active of a roamer or something. The blue tang even got my girlfriend talking about "in her saltwater aquarium" and such now. maybe she can inherit that 55g I have in the basement or something when we move in together. Actually getting her into something that I am into? Priceless.
Regal Tangs are swimmers. they never stop and need length to get around. when it hits 6-7 inches - he needs to be out or he will stress and die

Hes only the size of my bigger clown, maybe a little bit bigger. Ill have a big tank club entry before the next school year starts for sure. I cant foresee her getting to 4" by then even...
Yeah I hope things go well too. If all else fails and he is getting depressed, and they dont have aquarium prozac on the market yet, I can find him a new home somewhere I'm sure. But so far she seems to be thrilled with the new home, she just tears the sheets of algae up. The lady at the store said always keep at least some in there, but online I read just feed 3 times a week with the algae. What do you guys do? There is even nassarius snails climbing on the algae now after lights out.
So i see you got a Hippo Tang...as mentioned before, they need at least 100 Gallons. I have a 46 Gallon and i also had one Hippo to go along with my 2 clowns. Well, he never got ich until a week ago, but he had HLLE. You have to keep a very close eye on him, in one night a lot of thigns can happen.
You should maybe try to get a Lawnmower Blenny, i had some algae problems and since i added him in my tank, he eats algae 24/7.
Goodluck with the Hippo!!!
I was looking around online for how fast blue tangs grow exactly, came across god knows how many sites or forums with people saying their tang is sick and so on. One guy posted in a nano forum: "I have a 30Gallon aquarium with an eclipse filter lighting AIO lid on it. I have 6 fish consisting of 1 3 striped damsel fish, 1 blue damsel. 1 6 stripe wrasse, 1 file fish, 1 piccaso trigger, 1 spotted cardinal and 1 blue tang." A few others, at least 1 with a blue tang in a 20 gallon. They at least make me feel a little better about my self. Along with having just dominated my American Indian Studies online classes weekly quiz, finally!