Liverock & Hermits added to my tank


Reefing newb
Glasgow, UK
Well I've been very busy with work the last month but finally heres some pics of the tank and how its progressed. Since I last posted pictures I have added 22Kgs of Live Rock and 10 mixed hermits.
check your size. you will need to upload your picts to the photo gallery and then hightlight the complete BB code line, go to edit and click on copy, then go to your thread and when done go to edit and click on paste, your picture will be there. hope this helps.
Finally heres some pictures (also available in the member gallery under my name)





Looking good. Is the girlfriend still scared of the hermit crabs? Also, good move on the power heads. Putting them in the corners to bounce water of the front glass helps create great turbulance for the tank. I don't see any fish? You should throw a damsel or something in their. It will give you something else to look at and help build up the bacteria to process nitrites etc.
Chris said:
Looking good. Is the girlfriend still scared of the hermit crabs? Also, good move on the power heads. Putting them in the corners to bounce water of the front glass helps create great turbulance for the tank. I don't see any fish? You should throw a damsel or something in their. It will give you something else to look at and help build up the bacteria to process nitrites etc.

Haha the missus was surprised at how small they are and has already helped me give them names. I actually added 2 percula clowns yesterday and they seem to be settling in well (have tried getting some photos but they don't like the camera much!). Also tried to get a cleaner shrimp however the LFS could not catch the little gits ... spent a good 30 mins before I told them to call it a day.

Current test results are;

pH 8.0
NH3 0 mg/l
NO2 0.1 mg/l
NO3 10 mg/l
P04 0.25 mg/l
Ca 480mg/l
KH 110mg/l
Fe 0

SG 1.021
Temp: 26c