Lion fish

alright, so maybe not an eel :P ill look at some smaller puffers or a few other nice puffers. Thanks for the advice to save me there ;)

I heard snowflake eels are in a minimum of 40g though? so wouldnt that suggest my tank might be okay? or should I just opt in for something else?
not to go against what you're saying Amanda but you could keep a eel in a 40 for quite a while before he would get too big for it... I got kona when he was 8 inches, he stayed in the 20 until he was almost 2 ft and now hes put in the 75... I haven't seen hardly ANY growth on him at all :l He was in the 20 for 8 months and had no problems.... you could easily keep a full grown on in a 55 no problem :)

they do tend to hide a lot though so if you're wanting to see something don't get an eel LOL. I see kona a lot but he's a really friendly "please feed me all the time" eel :p
i think a 40 would be fine for a while :) most eels won't reach 3 feet but you gotta provide enough room for both him AND the lion, I think the lion would outgrow the tank pretty quickly... my friends bro has a huge lion fish and he had it in a 30 for a bout a month and then moved it over to his 120 because it was getting too big...
I may just leave it with the lion and a small puffer until I can get my bigger tank, then move them over to the 60g with an eel :D

I really wanted an eel though :(
Hahaha, wont be every time :P just once! :D

Ill see how everthing goes here though. Cant wait till the Lionfish is ready to start eating FUN! :D