Lighting for a 75 Gallon?

well as long as your corals that need the most light are tward the middle of the tank and the ones that dont need very good light at the edges you might be able to get away with it
The light from each MH bulb will spread out about a foot beyond each bulb. I don't think that would look bad at all over a 4' tank. My 240 was 7' long and I used a 6' fixture over it. You will just have 6" of the tank sticking out at each side. It will be darker on the sides, so do like reeftanker said and stock the ends of the tank with zoas, mushrooms and other low-light corals.
You do know the 4ft version is only $40 more,right?

Yeah, I know it's only a little bit more. It's a matter of additional wattage for me. I don't want overkill and there is no need to me to pay more on electricity. It will be a split decision for me when I go for the purchase.
150w MH bulbs suck for the most part as far as PAR output. I would go with 175w or 250w if you plan on MH.

No such thing as overkill on lights. You can throw a couple 400w MH's in there and they won't cause any problems except maybe alot of heat and a high electric bill. From what Eric Borneman told me, corals get more PAR on a reef than we can ever reproduce.
I'm going to go with the T5's. The PAR output seems to be not too far off from a MH bulb. All the SPS will be in the upper portion of the tank anway so they'll be getting the most PAR.

I'm having really good success with my SPS now with my T5's. They seem to have good coloration and good growth. So why change what's working for me?

Any more thoughts/suggestions?
I just made the purchase of 8x54W T5's. I think this should be more than enough light for a 75g and will allow me to successfully keep and grow whatever corals I want. The lights should be here by the end of the week...I hope!
You'll be set with that fixture.
When are you picking up the tank?

I really have no clue. Kathy and I have only communicated very sparsely through email. I gave her my cell number and work number to call to make arrangements and haven't heard from her yet. She said in the email she's been busy working and packing for vacation. She said it needs to be out of her house before July 2nd.
She called me yesterday and left me a message. Unfortunately she did not call me at work and called my cell phone. I didn't get the message until after I got out of work at 9PM. I get no cell service in the office. I did call her back, but got no answer so I left her a message. The way its going I don't think it will be out of her house before the 2nd. :frustrat:
Last night I was finally able to get down to meet Kathy and see the tank. I'll be picking it up on July 18th because she'll be on vacation until the 12th. The 18th is a day that works good for both of us. The rocks are really nice, but completely covered in algae. I've got my work cut out for me.
I'm sure I"ll be quite happy. I've got 6 blue bulbs, 1 10000k and 1 6500k. I should get some good color and good growth with that combo. If not, then I'll be calling reefgeek.