Landscaping question....


Seahorse Whisperer
OK, I keep a lot of what I call seaweed in my tank. Here's a picture so you can see what kind of grass:

That's a really old picture. Now the seaweed is floating on the top and it causes a lot of shade. I spend a lot of time trying to coax the stuff to stay near the back corners. I want to have it grow all over the back and corners of my tank but it needs something to grab onto. I was thinking of using fishing line but I'm worried about my seahorses getting caught. I've looked at egg crates but they take up a LOT of room and my tank is pretty small. Any ideas? I like the idea of using mesh, like from an onion bag, but I can't figure out how to put it in so the ponies won't get tangled. They LOVE to hang out in the seaweed and fish.

Thanks for any advice,
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You can try some plastic needle point canvas. You can get it from a craft store. It is stiffer than the onion bag mesh but thinner than the egg crate
They do have black needlepoint stuff, and red and yellow..... Unfortunately, the bubble wall is really messing with the plastic stuff. I was kind of able to work it out. Right now there is a major glare on my tank so I'll shoot some pics this evening. Also, got a 55 gallon tank from my LFS! Getting ready to paint it now. WooT!
