Just how long****

Dont know yet Ray.Right now he's chillin in a cut off gallon water jug.
Anybody that wants him,can have him.All they gotta do is pay shipping:D
Yeah.That one never bothered my coral at all.Never even went after my fish.But wrecked havok on my Nass.snails.Mantis's will take out your CUC pretty quick,starting with the smaller snails and working their way up from there.
The great hunter has captured his prize!!!!

I am a little disappointed that you have not even mentioned the possibility of mounting it and putting it above the fire place. What kinda southern boy are you anyway???
i always thought they would hurt fish for some reason too....probably just assuming. that is a thought. maybe ill add him into the 36 when i get it set up. im pretty sure they do ok in a tank that size. all the videos i have seen them in dont seem to be huge. again i could be totally wrong
congrats yote!!! im happy for you catching the mantis. I struggled to take out my sohal, i cant even begin to imagine a mantis. Ill forever have my fingers crossed that I dont ever inadvertently obtain one.
No place to hang em if I mounted him.And not enough meat there to waste the grease on,so frying is out.
And I taught Uncle Ted every thing he knows:mrgreen:
He's sitting in a lil 2 gallon goldfish bowl right now though.