Just how long****

You appear to have a rare vegetarian mantis shrimp (him and I have been talking a lot lately ;)).

Welllll,,Vegetarian is an old cherokee word for bad hunter:mrgreen:And the mantis readly takes mysis right out of the turkey baster.:D
Its just a matter of time till hes caught:^:
Shrimp Kabobs at Yotes house soon???? Fatten him up a little more before you get the fire started.
Dang Yote, didn't know that there were two of us that spoke Cherokee!!!

Happy huntin'
Seems like I got plenty nuff mantis shrimp for a mess.
SO y'all come on:D
And yep,I got some cherokee in me.Great Grandmother was full blooded cherokee.
Hey Yote.. The tank looks great !! Will ya cathc that little sucker already !!!!

Ray,Brother.Mantis hunting is a lot like hunting 200"P&Y buck.You just cant ruch it:D
Gotta do the scouting,put the time in the stand,and wait for the perfect shot.:mrgreen:
Forget the Pope and Young buck ... I'd just like to get a decent buck that will put a roast in the oven.

And now, back to the topic:mrgreen:
Started this thread back in September when I noticed the mantis.Well,Its been a long hard hunt.Spent a lot of late nights just watching and waiting,scouting,learning his habits.And its finally paid off.


Watched him come out to feed.Then he took his meal under one of the foundation rocks in my tank.As soon as he was under the rock,I covered the hole he went in with my net and run a plastic coat hanger through his escape hole.Running him back out into the net.Which was quickly flipped against the glass,trapping the mantis between the 2.
very nicely done!!!!!!! i remember one of the first pics i saw of you "hunting" the mantis with your bow and arrow and camos on....probably the funniest pic i have seen to this day. im happy its all over for you now! i have watched so many videos on those guys and they are vicious!
They can be pretty vicious.But you gotta respect em too.They're not a "dumb" animal by any means,are are a pretty decent challange to catch even in a glass box.