one inch frags, and the cap was about half size. all together the system is just 6 months old. about. Everything is doing pretty good so far. I use auto kalk makeup and have not yet brought the denitrator on line or the calcium reactor. I dose iodine occasionally about 12 drops a week after the 2 week from the water change. a quarter cap of vitamins, trace elements, and an eighth cap of strodium/ molydium, and a quarter cap of magnezium all one time between water changers. its hard to explain a routine as I basically go on how my system looks. I feed twice a day for fish and once a day for corals and sometimes about every third night corals when lights are off except for moon lights. I will be testing this week to see if I need to bring more equipment on line i.e. calcium reactor or the nitrate reactor. bout it for now. Thanks for the kind comments.