Jaw fish need deep substrate?

Eli you can get away with 3" but that is the bare minimum. Eggcrate isnt small enough to keep a jawfish in. You need to use something 1/4"x1/4" the nylon UV proof mesh works the best. They use it to keep birds from eating fruit and you should be able to find it at a greenhouse/nursery etc.
Now that I have a jaw fish, seems like they prefer to have the hole in the front of that tank where they can see us. I suppose you could have more sand in the front and near the LR.
Hmm... Well, I'm working on a 6' long tank, and 4" of sand is a lot in a tank that large... So was wondering if I could make a foot or so of 4" sand, then gradually slope it down to 2"...
Tanked you really dont need to have that deep of a sandbed. you will be alright with a minimum of 3". If you really want to learn quite a bit about them check out the Bluespot Jawfish club at reefsanctuary.com
Well, from watching mine building his burrow progressively, clearly he could survive with just 3". At first he just slided under a LR and push out the sand side way. He has been making the inside of the burrow deeper everyday. Clearly he prefer the burrow going straight down. As of yesterday, I could see the hole going straight down and he could float above his burrow and slide back down slowly every so often.

To keep him happy, I would really recommend get as deep as you can afford.