You have scorpion problems? I did also for a while. Once I was laying on the floor watching T.V. and one crawled into my shirt. Got stung 4 or 5 times. Anyway this is how I got rid of them. Diatomaceous earth, spread it around your base boards and leave it down for a few days. It cant harm you, your pet are safe from it also. As a matter of fact people use it on dogs and cats for fleas. Anyway you will start to see dried out scorpion bodies around the house. I was shocked I had called three different exterminators about the problem and they told me their was nothing they could do. Apparently the stuff scratches the exoskeleton and the scorpion bleeds out. I got the bag of Diatomaceous earth at the local nursery (plant store) cost I think $10. Havent had one since.