January Meeting!

jermpool said:
I think I'm offended. :confused: :D Why did you think we would be more redneck than what we are?

I just read this after reading the post about your wife attacking you with a meat fork..... kinda funny....

I can't wait to meet you guys.
Im sorry I affended yall! I meant to say that you were alot more redneck than I thought you would be! :mrgreen: JK. Im pretty redneck myself.
bkv1997 said:
or a red head after he leans over the tanks and the halides burn his bare head. :D

RFLMAO maybe we should go together and get him some SPF 90 sun screen. :D Asif I have any room to talk. I have a "big forhead" myself. :mrgreen:
I didn't notice the forehead... but that S*$% eating grin you got from sitting on santa's lap does raise a few questions.
Wow you're easy. :cupidarr: :luxlove:
I'll buy your luch as long as its off the dollar menu at McDonalds.
I'm cheap.
Yes he is. He bet a 20 dollar bag of salt and then says if you win Ill have to get it around tax time. Guess next time hell bid higher.
Hey guys, I'm just introducing myself.

I've been reading since I signed up for the sight. My name is Jeremy Smith and I currently have a couple of planted freshwater tanks; one in which I inject CO2.

After reading this sight, you have sparked a flame of interest in possibly setting up a reef.

I am interested in attending your meeting this weekend if you guys do not mind having a freshy amongst you. Thanks-Jeremy
Its my first as well the more the merrier, I hung out with some of the members at the frag swap it was awesome not a bad bunch if you dont count the tin man. jk Iron. be careful though its addictive and with this bunch you dont know what topic may come up, but your guarenteed a laugh.
Yea, it's the addictive part that I am concerned about. As far as topics of conversation goes, almost nothing offends me.

Well, as long as someone posts directions and Momma (wife) doesn't change her mind I'll be there.

Who is hosting the next meeting?
salt_newbie01, lives in cleveland, directions should be up within the next few days I believe time is going to be 1300 this saturday.
WELCOME to the forums Jeremy!
We are always willing to have another person come to the meetings. As chris (jellyman) said the more the merrier. We are not that bad we just give each other a hard time. What's the point of doing something like this if you can't have fun? I will pm everyone directions tonight so just hold your horses:grumble: ...you'll get your directions :mrgreen:

We'll say 1pm for everyone to start showing up. I'll have a pot of chilli and hot dogs. If everyone else could bring some hotdog buns, chips, drinks and maybe something for dessert I think we will be set.

If everyone that is coming would post and let me know how many will be coming and what you will bring it would help out a lot. I want to have enough food and we need to make sure we don't end up with 20 bags of chips!

:frustrat: :frustrat: :frustrat: :grumble: :pissedof: :zombie: :censored: :protest: :mad!!: :pissed: :shock: Boss caught me on my out this evening and told me not to make plans for saturday. Got an exhaust hood to put in cambellsville Ky ,so unless something comes up I dont guess i'll get to make the meeting this weekend.

Oh well,,guess the over time can go into getting my 55 up and running:mrgreen: