Well, I guess my opinion is just that, and maybe I don't have enough experience for my opinion to be valid, and perhaps a BS and MS in biology doesn't mean much, BUT your fish can have ich without showing white spots. If ich is in the tank, then ALL the fish can be, and probably will be, carriers. So treating just the fish with spots is totally pointless.
Also, any "reef safe" ich medication is snake oil and a rip-off. If something is gentle enough not to kill beneficial bacteria, corals, algae, sensitive inverts, etc, then it will do absolutely nothing against the ich parasite.
Almost everyone on this site has dealt with ich before. There is lots of first-hand experience here. You can do what you want, but if you come here asking a question, and 99.9% of the people that have dealt with this problem themselves answer the same way, why be so doubtful of the information you are receiving? If you are not open to suggestions, why post the question in the first place? You are going to do it your way no matter what anyone else says, so good luck, I hope your fish get better.