is she okay

+1 Yote

Exactly my thoughts,she is struggling too hard.I haven't the foggiest idea what could of cause it except rapid change in salinity.I also don't think there is anything you can do except hope and pray.

Sorry,hope she recovers.
the clown is doing the same as before she's no better but not really any worse the other clown is a little tippy in his swing and last night right before i went to bed my black-mouth chromis was doing really bad uncontrollable back flips and corkscrews wen i woke this morning he was dead. The wrasse came out of hiding this morning and seams perfectly normal ..why is my system crashing?
What are you using for your sump? Did you clean it very well before you added it? What are you using to check your salinity? Try to bring some water samples to your lfs to test for everything, just in case. What else has changed?

I had an orange spot goby in my 10g, he was doing extremely well, but died the day after I added a new HOB skimmer (which on hindsight, I think I did not rinse well enough...but it's hard to tell if that's what caused it, but I hadn't ruled it out).
I would double check the ammonia and nitrites. Take the water to the LFS and have them test it. It is possible your test kits are bad. Ammonia and nitrites are highly toxic to fish.

I think you have possibley gone to fast in adding fish. SW is different than FW. And less forgiving. You need to allow the bacteria to grow and accomidate the new fish. I usually wait atleast a month before adding new fish from the last one. But I try to be cautious on adding new things.

The LR is where the ammonia and nitrites get converted into nitrates. That is why it is recomended to have between 1 and 2 pounds of LR per gallon of water.
Ok. So on your build thread you installed your sump 1 day ago. You also posted this thread 1 day ago. There's obviously got to be some correlation between what you did with the sump and your fish dying. So here's the questions.

1. What did you use to glue the PVC together?
2. Are you positive that you added saltwater to the sump?, and if so did you make sure the salinity was the same?, and if so did you match up the water temp? and if so how long was the saltwater mixed before added to the tank?
3. It looks like you have Cyano in your tank, I don't see a powerhead in your FTS, do you have a powerhead to move water?
4. Where did you get your sump? what did you use to install the baffles? Where did you get the silicone?
5. Did you clean your sump before setting it up? if so, what did you clean it with?
yah that is why i disconnected my sump from the system

i didnt use anything to seal them i dry fitted them it had no leeks

yes im positive i added salt.. yes the salinity was identical..water temp was identical

it was mixed for about 2 hours

yess i have a power head only one tho

my uncle gave me the tank for the sump he bought it and was going to use it for freshys but didnt and gave it to me he had no need for it

my dad got the silicone from home depot he asked for fish safe silicone and a guy directed him to buy some i dont remember the brand we threw it out they probably didnt sell me fish safe the bastards i assumed it was the sump which is why i disconnected it

i washed it out with the hose several times i used no cleaning products
my dad got the silicone from home depot he asked for fish safe silicone and a guy directed him to buy some i dont remember the brand we threw it out they probably didnt sell me fish safe the bastards i assumed it was the sump which is why i disconnected it

This is very possibly your problem..People on the forum have talked about tank safe silicone beign sold at HD...When I was building my sump I looked for it. (I think it's called GE 1, but not certain) Anyway, when I looked for it I couldn't find it..

I would get all of your fish out of your tank into the QT.
Move the rocks out of the way so you've got enough room to work with. If you kinda know where it's at mvoe your net into the area on the sand I'm sure it will pop out. IMO if you don't do it, you're just going to have a dead fish anyway so go get it out of there and try to save it.

Have any of your inverts or corals died?