Injured Anemone


Reef enthusiast
I was working on my tank today doing some upgrades and one of the rocks on top fell straight on my carpet anemone. One of the sharp edges of the rock too :( damn it!

I quickly removed the rock but noticed an injury close to its mouth (about an inch to the right of its mouth). Like a small hole but i couldnt really tell because the anemone quickly covered the injured area. It doesnt seem to be in any kind of stress from what i can tell right now and I fed it a large piece of shrimp to see if it would eat it and surely enough it ate it like nothing ever happened. He is also still super sticky.

I'm a little worried because i know what it could mean if it dies in the tank, but i wanted to know whether anemones recover from physical injuries. Or will this be a slow death? At this point, i dont know if i should remove it or leave it. To be honest, i dont have any other place to put it in but if i have to, i will setup the QT (i dont have decent lighting for it in th QT). So far tho its acting normal but it has covered the damaged area...

Thanks for your input.