I got a FREE 29 gal tank

yea, well if i had thoes to play with, i definately wouldnt be on here!
i say bring back the personal milk jugs! but i'm a dirty old man so....

personally, if i had to decide where to drill, i would drill about the middle of the back, and before you all jump me, hear out my thought process.

If you drill lower than the water line, then you can allways put some pvc on the inside to raise the effective level of the drain, you can use that bulkhead later down the road if you choose to convert that particular tank into say a sump or soemthing to that effect, and it just gives you more adjustability on your water level, no matter what your using the tank for.

the drawbacks are that it may be in the way, it might not look at good, and if you have a leak, lower is definately riskier.

me, personally, i wouldnt drill the bottom of the tank unless i had the bottom replaced with some thicker glass, and the reason is that the bottom has to support all of the weight of the water, rocks, sand and anything else that you put in there.. i wouldnt personally wanna weaken the bottom, without knowing that its up to the task.

just my :twocents:
Theres one HUGE problem when it comes to drilling the center of the back glass.
Its the weakest spot in the glass and could crack.I've seen it happen,Shoot even Biff seen it,she was there.
One of the guys in the local reef club was drilling his tank at one of the meetings.Center of the back.The hole had been drilled for like 5 minutes and we was all standing around talking when we heard it pop.Looked down and there was a crack running from the freshly drilled hole all the way to the edge of the glass.