Reefing newb
I picked up some new LR last week. As soon as it was in and set up I noticed some funny looking bug like critters crawling everywhere. Then they disappeared and I hadn't seen them, until I took a look in the dark last night. (My tank is scary in the dark btw)
These little critters are living in all of the holes in the LR they look like small shrimp clear with a black stripe. Shrimp like noses, eyes, antenna. I can't count the legs because the move to quickly, only walking on the rocks. They're rear end looks like it curls underneath their bodies. They're all different sizes with the largest being maybe 1/2" long, the others much smaller. (1/8" - 1/4") I can't get a good picture because of their size. Any idea what they might be? Good or bad critters?
These little critters are living in all of the holes in the LR they look like small shrimp clear with a black stripe. Shrimp like noses, eyes, antenna. I can't count the legs because the move to quickly, only walking on the rocks. They're rear end looks like it curls underneath their bodies. They're all different sizes with the largest being maybe 1/2" long, the others much smaller. (1/8" - 1/4") I can't get a good picture because of their size. Any idea what they might be? Good or bad critters?