Cleaner shrimp died...


Reefing newb
Tonight when I fed my tank I noticed my shrimp didn't spring into action.. I didn't even realize it was dead because the antennas were still moving later to find it was the power head. This morning he was fine! He molted 3 days ago and has been super active since. He has been in my tank for 3 weeks med size. I have been dosing iodine for a week . 1 drop a day. I have a 12 gal nano reef. Nothing has changed in the tank except for yesterday I fraged my gsp. I tested water as soon as I noticed the dead shrimp. Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 15, Salinty 1.022. Last water change was on the 21st and I was planning on doing one tomorrow.. The only other livestock is two clowns that are doing fine. They have been in for a month, and only difference with clowns is the tops turned black 2 weeks ago. Probably do to match environment. I Have zoas, gsp, and xenia. I don't know why my shrimp died
Tonight when I fed my tank I noticed my shrimp didn't spring into action.. I didn't even realize it was dead because the antennas were still moving later to find it was the power head. This morning he was fine! He molted 3 days ago and has been super active since. He has been in my tank for 3 weeks med size. I have been dosing iodine for a week . 1 drop a day. I have a 12 gal nano reef. Nothing has changed in the tank except for yesterday I fraged my gsp. I tested water as soon as I noticed the dead shrimp. Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 15, Salinty 1.022. Last water change was on the 21st and I was planning on doing one tomorrow.. The only other livestock is two clowns that are doing fine. They have been in for a month, and only difference with clowns is the tops turned black 2 weeks ago. Probably do to match environment. I Have zoas, gsp, and xenia. I don't know why my shrimp died

Tonight when I fed my tank I noticed my shrimp didn't spring into action.. I didn't even realize it was dead because the antennas were still moving later to find it was the power head. This morning he was fine! He molted 3 days ago and has been super active since. He has been in my tank for 3 weeks med size. I have been dosing iodine for a week . 1 drop a day. I have a 12 gal nano reef. Nothing has changed in the tank except for yesterday I fraged my gsp. I tested water as soon as I noticed the dead shrimp. Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 15, Salinty 1.022. Last water change was on the 21st and I was planning on doing one tomorrow.. The only other livestock is two clowns that are doing fine. They have been in for a month, and only difference with clowns is the tops turned black 2 weeks ago. Probably do to match environment. I Have zoas, gsp, and xenia. I don't know why my shrimp died

Here is a pic of how I found my shrimp dead


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I would say the molt must have not went so well. They get pretty stressed during the process. The underside of the shrimp looks pretty dark showing signs that it may have been trying to molt again.
I believe it was iodine.. I was pushing for a long water change plus dosing iodine to promote my zoa growth. Which worked ( 3 New ployps of atomic green in a week) but at the cost of my poor shrimp. I started up a batch of water this morning for a water change.
test for iodine before you add. i have been running a 265 gal tank for about 3 yrs and have only ever had to add a couple of times. and at that only 6 or 8 drops did it. your salt mix should have it already. your rank is pretty small for adding that much
Yea, I did a 25% Water change today with a higher SG. My tank was at 1.022 and I did a water change at 1.026 and now 5 hours later the tank sits at 1.024. I was planning on buying a green torch and hammer this weekend but then my shrimp died. So I will just hold off. I was at the LFS today and their cleaner shrimp where really small compared to mine.. And I thought you couldn't accurately test iodine. What do you test with? API?
A good rule of thumb (especially for newbies) is to not dose for anything you can't test for.

Some of the seasoned guys can do it but they've been around the block a time or two. Don't let it get you down.