How much water flow?

I don't like the Koralias. They stick out into the center of the tank and are unsightly. Get a smaller (and less expensive) 20G power head and put it in the back corner. It will do the job just as good.

The Koralia 1 is plenty for a 25G. A Koralia 2 will be too much. If you get a powerhead, get one rated for a 20 or 30G tank.
I've got a koralia 1 in my small tank and it's not that much flow at all especially if it's pointed at a rock it loses all it's energy. I have to have mine pointed at the glass for adequate flow otherwise watchout cyano. I'd suggest getting either 2 #1's or a #2.
Do you have a better suggestion for a brand of powerhead? My tank is starting to look rather cluttered now and I'd rather not add anything big if I don't have to.