I like some mushrooms. Wish I could get rid of the green striped mushrooms and the green hairy ones too. They were good beginner corals, but I'm over them now. I guess the only way to get rid of them is to remove the entire rock and take it to the LFS for credit. The Superman mushrooms can stay, but they reproduce pretty quick. I don't like the other softies for the exact reason Biff mentioned. They put off all kinds of toxic chemicals and they all look like an old baseball glove.
But again, it's your tank. Do what makes you happy. I spent the first year buying all kinds of corals. Finally figured out what I like but now I have a tank that's 70% stocked in stuff I don't really care for anymore. It's hard to get rid of the entire rock just to get rid of the coral, then buy new live rock and cure it, and then purchase new corals and attach them. Never make enough money to pay for the new corals, so it ends up costing me more money. And money is in short supply right now.