Hiker's 75g Upgrade

I forgot to post this. Here's a pics of my pokerstar monti that was 2 smalls pieces, but has since grown together. It was also very faded when I first got it.





Got some new corals and a new fish. I only got time to snap a quick pic of the fish this morning before the lights came on.

The corals are:

Mohawk zoanthids
Tyree Pink Lemonade Acro - Freebie
ORA Hawkins Deep Water Acro - Dead about 15 minutes after I put it in the tank
1 Purple acan colony
1 rainbow acan frag - freebie

The new fish is a Foxface


I got it at Something Fishy on Sunday. They had a Tomini Tang which I think is a bristletooth? They didn't have any yellow eye's there. They did have a blue eye kole, but it was too large for me.
How big was the blue eye (that's a Ctenochaetus binotatus - 2 spot bristletooth)? That is exactly the fish I'm looking for. It's the same fish I lost in a landslide a few months ago. I might run down there Wed to pick it up if it's a good size. You saw my Atlantic blue tang and Lamarck angel. Is it around the size of them? Bigger is OK, but both are very established and might not take to a small newcomer.
It was approx 5" in length. They only had 1 and are having a fish sale. I doubt someone bought it, but you never know. There was a guy there who just set up a 300gish tank and was looking for fish to stock it with. I heard him talking to one of the kids that worked there and they were talking about tangs and such. I'd call first to be sure.
He's just a little fella. That's a good looking fish. Nice colors. Don't get freaked out when he goes cammo for apparently no reason....They tend to be a little skiddish now and again.
He's just a little fella. That's a good looking fish. Nice colors. Don't get freaked out when he goes cammo for apparently no reason....They tend to be a little skiddish now and again.

He turned camo in the bag. I thought it was pretty neat. He's a cool fish. Eating like a pig so I'm happy with it so far.
Thanks Duncan. I can't wait until they start to grow more. I have approx 70lbs more live rock to put in, but I'm doing an algae kill off on it for 3 more weeks. Then the frag racks can disapprear.
Here's a couple update pics I snapped quickly last night after work. Actinics only so it's quite blue. The mowhawks and 1 of the new acans are pictured, plus some updated growth shots.

Mowhawks in center front & Tyree Pink Lemonade center back

Acan center front










