Hi, I'm new

Ozone doesn't do anything against ich, it does raise ORP, but that isn't a big deal. Most people who use ozone are doing it for the water clarity, when I inject ozone I can get my water so clear it looks like my fish are swimming in air, but thats about all its doing. Are you using an ORP controller? ORP above 500 is going to be bad, so ozone usually isn't recommended for new people, it can be really dangerous for the inhabitants. Good water quality, a stress free environment and good feeding will be the best thing you can do for a tank. Treating for ich will treat the symptoms, but not the cause, ich pops up when things are not good in the fish tank.
Australis something just occured to me as I was rereading this thread. If you ever think you will want to keep anything other than fish in your tub dont use copper to treat the Ich problems. If I remember correctly you said it was concrete which would absorb the copper and leach it back out over time killing invertabrates and corals.
Yea, copper is a great treatment for ich, but it also has some drawbacks, like it can be absorbed into things and then slowly leach out, which kills pretty much everything living in the tank except fish.
Ich can be eradicated, as can Velvet. Just as can red bugs, and flat worms that infect corals. They are not an air borne organisms. Once you eradicate them from a system and its inhabitants there has to be a reintroduction before any of the fish/corals can get them again. It is true that a stressed fish is susceptible to the huge spread of parasite infestations, where as non stressed fish usually do not experience bad infestations, but the organism still has to be present for any fish to be infected. It is much easier to eradicate the parasite organism then to provide a totally stress free environment continously for long periods of time. Murphy's law says there will always be stress conditions that the fish must go through occasionally.
Usually ORP is only maintained at around 350 through ozone injection, which is not much ozone injection.
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Erm so will O3 actually knock out free floatin ich juniors ? or not ?

What brand of copper medication do u guys use normally ?
LFS guy told me to use melafix :shock:
Levels high enough to be the causal agent for their death would also probably kill the fish. Ozone is an oxidizer not a disinfectant. A high wattage ultra violet light might work but the flow would have to be small. Melafix is for bacterial and fungal infections, not parasites. There are quite a few brands of copper treatments. Seachem Cupramine is allegedly the safest as the difference between a therapeutic dosage and a toxic dosage is much broader than with other copper treatments.
guess i got duped by the fish shop guy den...well it cost about 100USD...
well its a china made brand coz there are not any American made items here, if there are any, they are hard to come by

Heard of Hailea ?
Its got 2 dials. 1 for dosage and the other as a timer.
Was told tat it will kill any bugs and was to be put into the first sump compartment.

For the time being, i see the white spots reducing and many have dropped off...guess the next round is brewing :grumble:
Its been a week plus since the last spot fell
How long can the fishes take hyposalinity treatment ?

Was checkin the tub this mornin..well before the sun was up...and i found lots of bug like worms runnin all over the glass(very fast lil buggers) ...bout 1-2mm
What does tat mean ? How bad is tat...
I cant snap a shot coz its so tiny...
During the day they are no where to be seen
Erm...yeah its white and some like spots are not white.
The white ones are longish and with legs...cant see properly with them speedin around

Anything to clear them ? Any fish ? or should i just leave it there ? :shock:
Its been a week plus since the last spot fell
How long can the fishes take hyposalinity treatment ?

From the information I have read, you want at least four weeks without spots before you slowly increase your salinity back to normal. I've had mine down for six or seven weeks now and don't plan to start moving it back to normal for two or three weeks yet. In my opinion, a little longer is better as you really don't want to have to go through the whole treatment process again. You won't be able to use hyposalinity in the main tank once you add corals, assuming it is in your future plans.

Also, be sure to quarantine any new additions for a few weeks so you don't re-introduce the parasite to the tub.
Er...I was thinking like 3 months if it is ok for the fish ?
Can they last that long in hypo ?
Well all is well for now...fingers crossed...
And i found my cleaner shrimp...apparently its doing quite well in hypo since it molted and got bigger...:question:
I wouldn't do three months, but I've read that some people will maintain it like that on a permanent basis. I don't know what harm it may cause to the fish. I'm surprised the shrimp is alive. Shrimp and corals don't usually do well with the treatment.
Erm...by the time i get home from work, its sleeping time for the fishes

Btw, wanna ask u guys on how to cure eye pop...my lil paru suddenly developed it on one eye since i took it out of the main tank and put it into a floating container with lotsa holes...

Lets say that i suspect the water quality is out, which parameters should i check for ?
Ammonia ?
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