HELP! My Sump Is Overflowing My Tank!


Satin, Lace, and Sequins
The Deep South
So I was experimenting with the sump that came with my tank. Got the HOB overflow all set up and running, and about 5 minutes later I had water all over the floor. Not from the sump, as one might imagine. Oh no! The return pump drained the sump and the water came spilling over the side of the tank! I thought sumps were supposed to keep the tank volume constant! So WTH? The return pump is a Rio 2100. The HOB overflow is about 4x2x8 with a 1" pipe from box to box and a 1.5" pipe down to the sump. Please help me figure this dang thing out!
You need a ball valve going from the return pump to the tank so that you can turn it down. The return pump is move more water back to the tank than the overflow can move down.
You're standard overflow with a single pipe can only 'remove' about 300gph. If you're pump moves more water than this, there's a good chance you'll push water into the tank, faster than the overflow can handle; hence, exactly what's happening in your situation.

What size is your pump? If a ball valve doesn't fix it, you'll have to get a smaller pump, or up the pipe size to your overflow, (or go dual).
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You're standard overflow with a single pipe can only 'remove' about 300gph. If you're pump moves more water than this, there's a good chance you'll push water into the tank, faster than the overflow can handle; hence, exactly what's happening in your situation.

What size is your pump? If a ball valve doesn't fix it, you'll have to get a smaller pump, or up the pipe size to your overflow, (or go dual).

+1, I vote go dual!
The return pump is a Rio 2100. I may go dual, since i'm going to be building a different, custom sump out of my old 50 gallon tank. If y'all still think the 2100 would be too much, I may just look at getting a different pump.....
if you go dual I dont think that pump will be to much at all.. if memory is correct( not sure it ever is) the pump is about 700gph.. If you are running a dual overflow it should be fine, But I would still throw the ball valves in just in case of an emergency or you go bigger later..