Help! feeding Bamboo shark

sharkie how would a bamboo shark do in a reeftank, the wife would love to have one but i just dont know. I have a 210 gallon tank but not much swimming room on the sand bed what with all the should I tell her tooo bad sooo sad we dont have the proper set up for a shark. also have you ever seen a chain link eel, they have one here at my lf,. I also have a friend who is selling his ghost ribbon eel and blue ribbon eel. I want one so bad (blue ribbon) eel
Joker, i had a chainlink for about 3 months.. they are FREAKING aholes! they get out of ANYTHING... we had ours jump 6 or 7 times, mind you the lid was on TIGHT. we have no clue how it got out but it finally just died bc we weren't home and it hopped out while we were on vacay.

well see... the shark is setup in a reef currently and he does find... i dont have a whole ton of corals and the sharks only 6 inches long so he works good... if you're gonna hatch it, i'd say GO FOR IT! :D you just have to worry about when the get bigger.. bamboo sharks are more of a rock dwelling shark anyways in their natural habitat :)
Hey everyone.I am very happy to report that my shark is eating! I finally saw him tonight eating off the bottom of the tank. He will not eat from the tongs I guess maybe they scare him. but it feels great now I don't have to worry. Thanks for all the tips
awesome!! i'd still keep working with the tongs because there may be times when you have to go somewhere and not too many people are willing to stick their hands in a tank with a shark ;) not to mention if you have other fish/add other fish they may try to compete with the food and its a great way to feed him while distracting the other fish away
Can anyone help me I have a four day old baby bamboo and I had to help him hatch I have tried squid and squid in garlic I have had sharks in the past and have never had trouble getting them to eat can anyone help me I don't want to loose the little guy :(
This sharkie do know alot about sharks, now I want one. So i was in my lfs and they have bamboo shark eggs for 40 buck, I almost bought it but decided not to when they said the hardest thing is getting them to eat. But now I'm thinking of going back thanks to sharkie. I have a 250 gal panesula setup I have rock stack in the middle so plenty of room to swim around outside. I have light to med fish load mostly tangs but heavy reef load. I keep my water perimeter at salinity 24 to 26 dkh 8 to 9 calcium 440 to 460 nitrate, phosphate and ammonia usually low. Do you think he will do well in my tank and how long you think I can keep him before he's to big for my tank I'm thinking 12inches or so.