Hello and I need a little help

Yea I'm ready to put fish in it. But I've this long to get a tank and get it going so I think I can make it another week or two.

I do have one qeustion. Last night I was looking at the tank and I noticed these really tiny white things on my glass and when I looked closer I could see they were alive, but I have no idea what they are. They are about the size of like at fruit fly, but a little smaller. Can anyone tell me what they might be.

I tried to take a picture but they are so small you cant even see them.

Ok thanks alot I was just reading something on them. I'm glad they are nothing bad. How fast do they reproduce and were do they come from? Because one day I didn't see any and yesterday there was prob close to 100 if not more.
They live on and in the rock.Where the fish cant get to them.As for how fast the reproduce,sometime extremely quick,sometimes kinda slow.A lot of depends on their foos sources and whats snacking on them.
Thanks for the help so far everyone.

Now I have a couple more qeustions.

1. These are the fish I'm thinking about.
2 ocellaris clownfish
1 sixline wrasse
1 one goby of some type (thinking orange spotted)
(maybe some type cardinal fish (spotted) if above if not to many)

Would that be to many for a 29 gallon tank? Or maybe couple more small fish if thats not to many?

2. How much sand should I have for the goby to shift through?

3. I have been trying to find a good cleanup crew but I'm not really sure at how much or what I'm going to need. I look on so websites at their cleanup crews for my size tank and it just seems like that is way to much. Any suggestions?

4. I'm going to paint the back of the tank either today or tom but I was wondering if I should paint it blue or black. If I paint it blue should it be a darker or lighter shade? Does it make a difference what color it is or is it just personal preference?

Thanks again for all the help
OOO...the orange spot goby is nice. I had one but it died :( Dunno why. It was paired up with a pistol shrimp. The shrimp is still doing well, and I'm going to get another orange spotted goby and hopefully they pair up as well. The shrimp digs, the goby feeds it :)

The back color of the tank is personal preference. My 45 gallon is painted black, and my 10 gallon just has a blue tank cover thingy taped on the back. Both seem fine, but I think I prefer the black.

I think a 6line needs at least 30, and might be aggressive. But I'm not a fish expert. I just go by what others have said, and also by liveaquaria.com. If you get it anyway, maybe get it last, to let less aggressive fish establish their territory first.
For the clean up crew.Start with just a few crabs and snails.Something along the lines of emerald or sally lightfoot crabs,with 3 or 4 Astrea snails,5 or 6 Nassarius snails,and a couple of Cerith snails.Then add to that if they cant keep up with the algae.
I'd consider a tank fairly mature when the parameters stay stable and all the livestock is healthy and active.Could take 6 months,9 months,or more because every tank is different.