Growing Chaeto

also I need to figure out who to sell it to, I have noticed on Reef Central is says quickly, where else could I sell it, is that one place enough, and how do I ship, especially in cold weather.

Also what should I charge
I'd try the local store first.Then run it in the classifieds on here as well as reef central.
well one of my local stores is where I bought what I have now so that's probably out, my favorite one closed, and I'm not sure if the other sells it.

What do I charge though and how do I handle shipping and in cold weather ?
I bought mine on ebay, got a 6oz dry weight bag shipped to me for about 10$. I don't know if there is a lot of profit in it when shipping is involved, if you could find a LFS that would give you store credit to grow it and supply them I'd think that would be best case scenario... But thats just me. You could profit maybe 4-5$ for a good sized bag after shipping I guess.
will this work?

The tubes are in the back, the siphon brings the water to the refugium and the pump pumps it back into the filter area of the tank where it is being pulled out of, in the power breaks it won't other flow because the siphon will break
not sure about shipping macro but when I get my plants for my set up they always come in styrofoam coolers. You will have to research weather they can be shipped without water or with plants ship dry but have no experience with algae other than the crap that grows in my tank. as for the cold weather shipping just dont do it, plant shippers dont neither should you IMO.
In a power outage what is going to prevent the tank from overflowing. The hose comming out of the tank will keep draining water until it reaches the end of it. How do you plan on attaching the hose?
I will make the hose close to the top of the water so that if it gets up say half an inch, the siphon will break and the water will stop coming down. I'm not sure on attaching it, but I could use some kind of clip
the problem with draining the tank with a siphon is this. it WILL suck air. it will be a non stop sucking and slurping sound, even with the pipe 6 inches under water. and only one good slurp is all it takes to break the siphon. I have played around with that myself. it flows super good. way better than any overflow box ever could. but it's just so risky.