Good 1st fish?

+1 Messiah
Though I'd end with something like a ailfin Algae blenny and him being the only fish in the tank,then stocking it full of corals top to bottom:D
I would have went the the mods for the Maxi-jets,but thats a personal choice.As long as you have enough flow to keep detritus and other waste in suspension,your good.
I would do a couple clowns (percula's)
and gobies such as clown gobies (you can do several)
bi color blenny
shrimp gobies such as yasha hasha
firefish would do great.

as far as coral goes you will be a bit limited with the depth of the aquarium. I would do zoo's, wood polyps, mushrooms, and leathers such as colts.
If you do the cardinals you need more than one - they are school fish. Don't forget to add your cleaner crew. I LOVE my Mexican Turbo snails :)

Good looking holey rock in your tank :)
Remember when you begin getting your fish to only add one every 3-4 weeks.

Even if you buy a pair of clowns? Can you put them in seperate and hope that they'll hook up? Or is better to buy two that have been in a tank together for awhile and can cohabitate?

Thanks for the comment about the rock :P

I know I'll be a bit limited with corals :*( But it's OK. I'll enjoy what I can do! While we're on that topic. Does anyone know where I can get some lights that will fit the dimensions of this tank? Thanks a bunch guys.
It is possible to make an agreement with the shop owner that you could return the clown for full credit if it didn't work out. He would have nothing to lose that way. Also just be sure to get one which vary greatly in size.
It is possible to make an agreement with the shop owner that you could return the clown for full credit if it didn't work out. He would have nothing to lose that way. Also just be sure to get one which vary greatly in size.
As much as I hate to say it, it wouldn't be worth the drive. Would be a total of 1K miles if they didn't work out together. Yikes. Looks like I won't be getting two clowns after all.
+1 Messiah
Though I'd end with something like a ailfin Algae blenny and him being the only fish in the tank,then stocking it full of corals top to bottom:D
I would have went the the mods for the Maxi-jets,but thats a personal choice.As long as you have enough flow to keep detritus and other waste in suspension,your good.

I went ahead and ordered two more 1200's with the sure flow kits. I need to get over the mentality that you can have too much flow. I'm trying to under do it I think. Just don't like having a lot of stuff in the tank that's not living.